Bachelor Road, Nalwadi, Wardha.
Maharashtra, India
Mobile: +91 9975497786, +91 9890615723
Name: Computer Science Department
Indraprastha New Art, Commerce
& Science College, Wardha, October, 2022. “WILD LIFE WEEK” was
organized by on 1 st to 7 th October, 2022 at 9:00 am in Indraprastha New Art,
Commerce and Science College Wardha . All the teachers and students of computer
Science department were present in the program. In our college, the program was
started with the arrival of the honorable chief guest Res. Shri. Ramdasji
Tadas, Dr. Abhijit Verulkar, Secretary, Indraprastha New Art, Commerce and
Science College Wardha with Dr. Ashish Sasankar, Principal , INACSC, Wardha and
Coordinator Prof. Vikram Nevhal (Dept. of Computer Science) . Our chief guest
presided over the program and delivered a brief speech & gave a green
signal to the rally which is organized on date 5 th October 2022. Rally was
started from college to Arvi Naka and gave Manvandana to the statue of Rashtrasant
Tukdoji Maharaj and return back to college. Our Principal Sir Dr. A.B.Sasankar
delivered his precious knowledge and information about the rally. There was
great enthusiasm among the students and they were looking highly spirited. At
the end of the program, Dr. Madan Ingle, Sports teacher delivered a short speech for the students and
gave a vote of thanks to all for making the program a grand success and finally
program will be ended by lunch.